CLASS OF 2010-2011
I don't know if it's just me or everyone one of my ex-classmates feel the same but what I have noticed about all my classes is that my classes have been the noisiest, the one most of the teachers seem to dislike. Was I the common denominator?????? But that was the only backdrop I think my classes had. From pre-primary to plus two, my classes have been filled with extraordinary people. If you wanted someone to compete with in studies my class had the right people (and god know how much trouble i had trying to keep up with them), very talented sportsmen and women, singers, dancers...... you name it, my class had it. I have been blessed to have met all these amazing people and to have made memories that I'll never ever forget in my entire life. I can't say which class was my favorite because each one of them has given me so much to hold on to. But I have to say it's the class of 11 and 12 Sci A (2010-2011), Motithang Higher Secondary School that frequently pops up i...