Did you ever fall in love?

It was back in '07, I was in the eighth standard. I guess everyone knows how things are during school; friends teasing each other, creating rumors, silly revenges, humiliating one another in front of others. My "love story" was also sparked by something like this. There was this good friend of mine who I used to hang out with most of the time those days. Apparently a girl (who is now a good friend of mine) said that she admired my friend, so we started teasing him. So as a revenge he started teasing us with girls from other classes that we didn't know about. That's the first time I heard her name. I didn't know her so I didn't take anything seriously and went on teasing my friend. Things went on and then suddenly I started getting annoyed. Why would they tease me with someone I didn't even know? But my friends continued. I did become a little curious but that curiosity finished as fast as it came. And my friends continued. I was really irritated at...