Book Review: Living is Dying.
Although I have read only a couple of Rimpochoe's books, I think it's safe for me to say that this book is different from the style of writing I have come to associate with Rimpochoe. But that is of course to be expected as it says "How to prepare for Death, Dying and Beyond" right on the book cover. We can make out that this is sort of an instructional/ guide book. It took me 9 weeks to complete first and foremost because it is about death, dying and beyond and how to prepare for all this. I have always struggled with the thought of death, especially about what will happen to us after we die. It's not like I have not accepted the fact that we will all die eventually, it's just the thought of not knowing what will happen to us after we die that scares me the most. And with as many believes, if not more, as there are religions it gets all the more confusing and scary. This was one of the main reasons I couldn't finish this book as quickly as I would have ...